
Feb 2, 2011


Here's a lesson in French holidays for those of you interested. In France, Feb 2 isn't Groundhog Day, but rather La Chandleur or Candlemas, a Christian holiday you can read all about here! Now I'm not sure why, but in France, Candlemas is celebrated with crêpes. Yumm!!

According to tradition, the crêpes must be eaten only after eight p.m. And, if the cook can flip a crêpe while holding a coin in the other hand, the family is assured of prosperity throughout the coming year. Of course I only found all this out on wikipedia after eating the crêpes. Traditionally with my family we've simply eat crêpes when we're hungry, and no coins are involved... though we always did have flipping competitions.

Anywho, making crêpes is never a bad thing, and so tonight I made a whole batch. Amity and I didn't have too much trouble getting through a batch that was supposed to feed four... Savory fillings included gruyere cheese, ham, homemade ricotta, homemade cheese, spinach, and mushrooms. Sweet crepes included banana, sugar, and cinnamon. We reluctantly decided to avoid buying Nutella, realizing that there would be almost an entire jar left in our cupboard if we bought some. After about five or six crepes each, we were rather parched.